Saturday, 9 January 2010

Happy Twenty Ten

Gosh, this is a bit overdue isn't it?

There is not much to say about the months in between the last post and Christmas, life was a bit stressful in ways which are best not dwelled upon. By the time Christmas finally rolled around I was so in need of a break, and a lovely break it was, inspite of being quite ill for most of it. So I start 2010 refreshed and ready for a shiny, fresh new year! Shiny and fresh indeed, on account of the amazing Winter Freeze Britain is currently undergoing...

I adore this sort of weather, the cold air in your lungs makes you feel so alive! Just as well I like it since it looks set to stay for a good while yet, we're expecting more snow tomorrow and most of next week by the looks of things. Hurray! So all in all I am full of the joys of new year, feeling all hopeful and positive about what is to come. I'm making another attempt at a 'Year in Pictures' project and absolutely loving it this time around, I don't know if it's because I've got to grips with my camera a lot more since last year's try but I really am enjoying it a lot more. For me it's not about improving my photography, or documenting my year (though obviously those things are excellent bonuses!), it's more about how it makes me see life, it's like looking through a lens makes me see so many things I'd otherwise miss. Actively seeking out beautiful things everyday, seeing things from another angle, focusing in on small details and sharing the things I love doing, it fills me with enthusiasm for life! And it's fun being able to try and communicate that enthusiasm to other people through photographs. So I'm really optimistic about lasting the whole year this time. Before Christmas I really felt like I'd lost touch with myself and my usual zest for life, but this is helping me find again.

Other positive things include busying myself applying for a new job at work, the more I prepare for the interview the more excited I feel about it, fingers and toes crossed it goes well! I am more than ready for a change, and I think this will be a good challenge, it's a job I could bring a lot more of myself to. Anyways, I'm preparing like I've never prepared before, so even if I don't get it hopefully it will have kick started something in me to be more active about finding something new. I remember this time last year saying to myself that it was ok to carry on as I was for now, but 2010 was going to be a year of changes and developments. So! I'd better get a wriggle on.

I've stolen Argyle Whale's excellent idea for keeping a list of resolutions at the side of her blog and ticking them off as she goes, to heep herself accountable to them. What are some of your resolutions?

I hope everyone is managing to stay warm in this cold cold weather, my recommendation is an extensive collection of blankets to combine in numerous ways and thus always be the optimum temperature. Voila!

Also in 2010 there will be more regular blog updates.

Keep warm!
